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God has amazing plans for every young person. Our goal is to help prepare students to thrive socially, academically and professionally beyond High School. We strive to help each student build a firm foundation by helping them discover their unique gifts and interests as they make academic and vocational plans for their future. Our college prep begins in grade 8 as we invite families and students to engage with us on a course that sets each student up for academic success. We hope to facilitate strong relationships and individualized planning during high school to accomplish this process.


Academics are the core of the student’s time spent in high school and we offer a variety of College Prep courses as well as Dual Enrollment/College Credit Plus (CCP) courses that count towards credit in College. We will work with your child each year to pick the most rigorous course schedule that is academically appropriate for him or her. We know that a strong academic record is crucial to providing many post high school and college options. 

We offer a variety of electives to fuel a student’s interests and passions. We try to introduce new electives as we recognize student demands or notice emerging trends. Students have the most opportunities during their Junior and Senior years to choose a variety of electives that suit their individual, unique interests. 

You can review our Course Handbooks for a more comprehensive look at our offerings. 

College/Vocational Preparation

We present opportunities for students to begin practicing for college admissions testing during their freshman and sophomore years when we offer the preACT (practice ACT) and the PSAT (practice SAT). We strongly encourage all students to begin taking the ACT at the end of sophomore year in order to gain insight and practice. We know that strong test scores are also important to increasing college options and scholarship opportunities.
It is never too early to begin thinking about College! We encourage our students to begin making College visits during their Sophomore and Junior years. We invite a wide variety of college admissions representatives to visit and speak with our sophomores and juniors during Bible classes. We have hosted the Miami Valley Christian College Fair for the past five years, with as many as forty Colleges represented. 

For students looking to pursue a vocational path while attending Troy Christian, there are opportunities during their junior and senior years to attend either Miami Valley Career Technical Center or Upper Valley Career Center. The student can attend a Career Center full time or part time while still maintaining their enrollment and participation at Troy Christian. 

Guidance Department

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Steven Peterson

    Mr. Steven Peterson 

    Guidance Director

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Include last name you had while attending TC
If you need a counselor form completed. Please Email it to speterson@tcmail.org
(937) 335-6258