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Athlete Resources


Physical and Concussion Form

The OHSAA Physical & Concussion Form must be filled out and signed by a physician, parent/guardian, and participant and turned into the athletic office. These forms are only good for one calendar year from the date the physical was signed by the physician. You must have an up to date physical to participate in athletics.

Parent & Student Presentation

The OHSAA Mandatory Parents & Students Pre-Season Presentation must be watched and questions completed by at least one parent and the athlete.

Lindsay's Law

You must complete all 3 steps for Ohio’s Lindsay’s Law requirements. These 3 steps must be completed again each school year and turned in before a student can participate in athletics.
  1. Watch Lindsay Law parent and player video here.
  2. Review Lindsay Law parent/player informational handout here.
  3. Sign and return the required Lindsay Law parent and player signature form here.

Athletic Fees

Each athlete in grades 7-12 will pay an athletic participation fee of $200 per athlete, per sport. If fees are not paid by the due date, they will increase to $250 and be debited with your next tuition payment.
  • Fall Athletic Fees Due: September 15, 2023
  • Winter Athletic Fees Due: December 15
  • Spring Athletic Fees Due: April 1, 2024